Ali Ashraf
Ali Ashraf
The world of Virtual Reality is here. And it’s here to stay!
In the millennial age, what makes VR so intrinsic to the human fabric? There is a plethora of reasons.
For starters, Virtual Reality has the power to amalgamate human beings together in an all-encompassing manner that no other type of digital media can.
Moreover, Virtual Reality has the innate ability to alter individualistic perceptions of the self, others, the world, and the very limitations of space that constrain us.
The kicker is that the VR phenomenon possesses the magic to literally redefine the world.
So what does this compelling revelation mean for the gaming world and hordes of avid gaming junkies jumping over the moon to lay their console-craving paws on the next best thing – VR Gaming?
The Perfect Setting
Recently, I came across a one of a kind Dubai-based gaming arcade called Hub Zero. Located conveniently at the City Walk, the exciting company aspires to create fun and interactive gaming environments, which facilitate virtual reality-based experiences for youngsters, adults and families alike.
With an exhilarating motto that proclaims “The one place where you live the game”, Hub Zero assures its patrons of providing a unique, futuristic, and immersive virtual reality gaming park.
The fascinating experiences include real-time virtual games, interactive rides, thrill based attractions, and challenging action zones. Moreover, the establishment holds the largest LAN (Local Area Network) based gaming zone in all of UAE.
With VR Gaming a relatively newer concept and an emerging technology that isn’t mainstream as yet, Dubai is the perfect setting for its catapulting unto the Middle Eastern market.
It provides individuals, professionals, families and thrill-seekers an outlet to explore a revolutionary and ground-breaking digital medium that is more awe aspiring than literature, cinema or theatre.
Furthermore, the technology is befittingly effective in connecting individuals with one another, while providing an innovative and dream-state like immersive environment that challenges the human imagination.
The good news for Dubai residents is that Virtual Reality is no longer a thing of fiction. The most colossally game-changing application (no pun intended) for the world of Virtual Reality is simply put: other human beings.
Job opportunities
So, what’s the real value proposition and wow factor here for VR as a technology in general and for VR gaming in particular?
Companies like Hub Zero are at the forefront of spearheading the Virtual Reality bandwagon. By providing a wholesome, larger than life and self-regulating otherworldly experience that ordinary people want to submerge themselves into, VR Gaming arcades provide endless possibilities for truly unique entertainment.
The VR Gaming scene is replete with opportunities, not just for game savvy adventure seekers or revenue enjoying establishment owners, but also for those seeking employment.
The job market will always experience a positive impact when it comes to a rising technology, as is the case with Virtual Reality. Roles such as virtual reality developers, programmers, consultants, content creators and service professionals offer a diverse array of job opportunities for aspiring expats looking to work in Dubai.
If you’re a GCC resident and are excited about the possibilities of Virtual Reality in mainstream technology or the gaming industry, you’re living in the right era and the right place.
We are set to see an unparalleled amount of growth in the industry and this is merely the beginning.
Ali Ashraf, Market Specialist writer.