
Saturday, March 03, 2018

Relive the evolution of Sony Xperia design in two minutes

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪the revolution of Sony Xperia design‬‏
Sony unveiled its latest design language at the MWC, called Ambient Flow. The Xperia XZ2and XZ2 Compact return to the curvy backs of Sony’s earlier designs. Need a refresher? This video traces Sony’s design language from 2012 to today.
It starts with Iconic Identity – the time of the Xperia S and company with their ergonomic curves and a transparent row of buttons. Then, OmniBalance came and ruled Sony design from 2012 to 2015, first introduced with the Xperia Z. OmniBalance shed the curves and went for a very rectangular look. It also cemented some traditional Xperia features like waterproofing and stereo speakers.
This gave way to the short-lived Unified Design of the Xperia X phones. It started smoothing out the hard edges with its Loop Surface and it transformed the round aluminum Power button from the Omni era into a fingerprint reader.
And that catches us up to today and the Ambient Flow language. Do you see the similarities with Iconic Identity? Do you see the differences?

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